User experience optimization: Customer experience hypothesis


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What Is Customer Experience Hypothesis

Let’s start by explaining what “customer experience hypothesis” actually is.

This is a hypothesis of what different segments of your customers are thinking as they interact and engage with your company and brand.

Creating a customer experience hypothesis for different segments of your audience as they travel through your sales funnel is extremely important, because:

  1. Your customers are not all the same. They have different mindsets, different objectives, hesitations, needs.
  2. All their needs change as they interact with your company. These changes occur because they’re getting to know you.

These “qualitative insights” will bring much clarity into your data and analytics. They will help you understand what those numbers actually mean.

How to Create a Customer Experience Hypothesis

Customer experience hypothesis formula: This [insert customer touch point] would [insert experience questions] if [insert hypothesis].

There are 7 main experience questions you can ask:

  1.   Relevance
  2.   Trust
  3.   Orientation
  4.   Stimulation
  5.   Security
  6.   Convenience
  7.   Confirmation

To make it even clearer, we have made examples for each of them:

This ad would: 

  1.  Be relevant if it spoke to the challenge they’re facing and clearly outlined a solution.
  2.  Be trustworthy if it demonstrated the success our customers have had with our product.
  3.  Orientate them if it clearly explained that they should visit our website for more information.
  4.  Stimulate them if it offered a limited time offer.
  5.  Give them security if it briefly addressed their fears, objections and offered a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  6.  Be convenient if there was a clear and easily visible call-to-action button.
  7.  Confirm their decision if it actually took them to the correct page on our website and presented them the information we promised they would see.

If you could tackle all of these seven needs in your customer’s experience every single time on every single touchpoint, you would create a much stronger experience for your customer.

Customer Experience Hypothesis and Split Testing

Applying this formula will optimize your user’s experience for sure. But, this doesn’t mean you should stop there. This is an amazing opportunity for your business to start split testing. 

Simply create two sets of customer experience hypothesis and test them against one another. 

Don’t presume you know the outcome and what’s a better experience for your customers. Split-test and draw conclusions from verifiable data. Keep in mind that gathering as much data as possible is the ultimate goal.

Once you’ve gathered all this data, you’ll be able to transform it into business intelligence that will allow you to take your business to another level. 

Some Final Thoughts

Good user experience has always been very important, but nowadays it’s essential for business growth. In a jam-packed market, and tons of competition that offer similar (or same) products, it is the one thing that will truly make your business stand out.

Ensure your place on the winning side!

If you need some help, we’ve got you covered. Just get in touch with us, and we’ll take it from there.

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