How Kettlebell Kings Increased Sales Conversion Rates 151% and Monthly Recurring Revenue by 35% in a Single Experiment


This case study is about how the team at ConversionAdvocates increased sales conversion rates of Kettlebell Kings digital workout plans across their two eCommerce websites in one Month by 151.05%.



Kettlebell Kings


Health & Fitness

Business Type:



Kettlebell Kings is a leading provider of high-quality kettlebell equipment and digital workout plans that help their customers burn fat and build strength.

Experiment Summary

Learning Objectives:

How do optimized landing page design, brand identity, and communication of Workout Plans impact visitor engagement, CTR, and sales conversion rates on both and

Increase in Sales Conversion Rates
Conversion Objectives:

Micro Conversion

Increase CTR of category page visitors on to product detail pages on Living.Fit

Macro Conversion

Increase Sales Conversion Rates of Individual Workout Programs on both, Kettlebell Kings & Living.Fit online stores
Increase Sales Conversion Rates of Monthly Membership Plans on both, Kettlebell Kings & Living.Fit online stores

Primary Insight:

Traffic from to product pages on Living Fit resulted in 400% higher sales conversion than product pages on the Kettlebell Kings website.

Primary Hypothesis:

If more traffic from was sent to digital product pages on Living.Fit then overall sales conversion rates of digital products would increase.

Increase in Monthly Recurring Revenue
Information Chanels:

Google Analytics, Big Commerce, Kajabi

Experiment Type:

A/B Test




151.5% Increase in Sales Conversion Rates
34.98% Increase in Monthly Recurring Revenue

Performed by:


The Challenge

Expanding from physical to digital product offerings

Kettlebell Kings is recognized as a leading provider of high-quality kettlebells and fitness equipment. But because their primary focus has always been the sale of physical products, their digital product offering always took a sideline, and it showed in their conversion rates.
Using our proprietary IIEA framework we were able to uncover opportunities to increase sales conversion rates of digital products over 151% in a single experiment.

IIEA Step 1

| Gather Insights

Sales data split between & Living.Fit

Because digital products were sold on both and Living.Fit, we needed to analyze and track sales conversions on both websites throughout the experiment in order to understand how changes impacted overall sales conversion rates for digital products.

From our analysis, we uncovered three important insights

Insight #1 | Traffic from to product pages on Living Fit resulted on average 400% higher sales conversion than product pages on the Kettlebell Kings website.

To compare the effectiveness of each website at selling the same digital products, we compared their buy-to-detail ratios, the percentage of purchases to product detail page visits. This comparison assumes that there is no overlap of the same orders between Kajabi and Big Commerce software platforms. As you can see, has had higher ratios of purchases compared to product page visits on in each product category.


Insight #2 | Category pages on drove little users to the Living.Fit website.

The click map data from Hotjar of this page correlates with the next page data that we saw in Google Analytics. From this page, the highest percentage of users clicked on the Kettlebell Workouts icon, which automatically scrolls down to this product category section on the same page. Very few users clicked the Living Fit icon on the top left to visit the Living.Fit website.


Insight #3 | Desktop users converted 2X more than mobile

Overall, desktop users converted at the highest rates, with over twice the conversion rate of mobile users. Desktop users also visited more pages per session and had longer session durations than mobile.


IIEA Step 2

| Hypothesis Ideation

Based on the findings, we formulated our primary and secondary hypothesis for the experiment.

Primary Hypothesis:

If more traffic from was sent to digital product pages on Living.Fit then overall sales conversion rates of digital products would increase.

Secondary Hypothesis:

If category descriptions were more descriptive and communicated more visually then website visitors would be more likely to click through to the product page and purchase.

IIEA Step 3

| Experiment Creation

For this experiment, we created an optimized variant of the Workout Plans category page in an attempt to drive more traffic to Living.Fit

Some highlights of the experiment variation include:

  • Redesigning graphics to make them more visual and descriptive
  • Improving product descriptions and CTAs
  • Adding additional CTA button for the annual membership offer
  • Restructuring the entire landing page layout to create a better flow and a more natural user experience

IIEA Step 4

| Analysis

After running the experiment for approximately 4 weeks, our hypothesis was proven TRUE with a 100% confidence level that experiment results will continue.

Highlights From the Experiment Analysis
Increase in Sales Conversion Rates
Increase of Total Transactions
Variant’s Uplift
Increase in Monthly Recurring Revenue

Want to hear what the owners of Kettlebell Kings had to say about working with ConversionAdvocates teams?

Check out their telephone VERIFIED Review on Clutch.

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