How we increased Car Computer Exchange sales conversion rates by 154.98% & revenues by 46.73% per month


In this conversion rate optimization case study we’ll go over the steps that lead to a:

  • 46% increase in eCommerce revenue
  • 154% increase in eCommerce conversion rate, and
  • 111% increase in transactions

of Car Computer Exchange in just one month.






Car Computer Exchange



Business Type:



CarComputerExchange is a leading online retailer of high-quality refurbished car computers.

Experiment Summary

Learning Objectives:

How does removing distractions on Product Detail Pages impact the engagement and sales conversions?

Increase in Sales Conversion Rates
Conversion Objectives:

Micro Conversion Increase CTR from Product Detail pages to Cart Page on

Macro Conversion Increase Sales Conversion Rates on

Primary Insight:

We ran a customer survey and identified that the top 3 things influencing purchasing decisions were, #1 Price, #2 Guarantee/Return Policy, #3 Speaking to a customer service person, in that order.

Primary Hypothesis:

If we eliminated distractions and focused users’ attention on the most important details about the product then CTR to add cart would increase.

Increase in Transactions
Information Chanels:

Google Analytics, HotJar

Experiment Type:

A/B Test



  • Increase in Sales Conversion Rates 154.98%
  • Increase in Transactions 111.03%
  • Increase in eCommerce Revenue 46.73%
Performed by:


The Challenge

Reaching a 2% benchmark in conversion rates

Many eCommerce businesses fail because they don’t know how to generate traffic or because their product isn’t competitive. But that wasn’t the case with Car Computer Exchange. 

The founder, a seasoned entrepreneur who had already started several online businesses generating over $1 Million in annual revenue – knew what he was doing. What he didn’t know was how to optimize his website to generate the greatest return on his investment. 

With annual sales conversion rates at 0.53%, Car Computer Exchange was far below the 2% to 4% standard for his industry. 

Using our proprietary IIEA framework we were able to uncover opportunities to increase sales conversion rates 154.98% and revenues by 46.73% per month.

IIEA Step 1

| Gather Insights

From our analysis, we uncovered three important insights

Insight #1 | Leveraging heatmap data and user session recordings, we learned what information and content paying customers were reading before making a purchasing decision. 


Insight #2 | We ran a customer survey and identified that the top 3 things influencing purchasing decisions were, #1 Price, #2 Guarantee/Return Policy, #3 Speaking to a customer service person, in that order.

Insight #3 | We noticed many people clicking off the product detail page to the “makes and models” items, which gave us an indication that visitors had hesitation about their selection because they can only arrive at the product detail page by correctly selecting your car.

IIEA Step 2

| Hypothesis Ideation

Based on the findings, we formulated our primary and secondary hypothesis for the experiment.

Primary Hypothesis:

If we eliminated distractions and focused users’ attention on the most important details about the product then CTR to add to cart would increase.

Secondary Hypothesis:

If we increased the urgency of making a purchase then sales conversion rates would increase.

IIEA Step 3

| Experiment Creation

For this experiment, we created an optimized variant of the product page layout and design in an attempt to increase add-to-cart clicks. 

Some highlights of the experiment variation include:

  • Adding a countdown timer to increase urgency of sale items
  • Showcasing insurance with a Most Popular option in the center
  • Raising important information about the product higher up on the page
  • Improving trust and authority 
  • Eliminating sidebar navigation

IIEA Step 4

| Analysis

After running the experiment for approximately 30 days, our hypothesis was proven TRUE with a 100% confidence level that experiment results will continue.

Highlights From the Experiment Analysis

Here you can see the company’s average conversion rate has pretty consistent over historical 12-Months.


We achieved game changing results in just 1-month. 

Increase in Sales Conversion Rates

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